Emerging markets Featured HIVEWIRE #04: The future of music scenes lies in subcultures and storytelling For new young markets, streaming can be more engaging because they can choose what they want to hear for the first time. They are born with a remote in their hand, unlike any generation ever before. It’s access at an unparalleled level.
Culture HIVE Culture #01 - Pride Month: Tokenism or a Strive for Equal Opportunity and Representation? The LGBTQIA+ community globally have pioneered many cultural moments in the music industry. Pride month should enable opportunities year-round. It should work as an opportunity to showcase new talent rather than be used as a checklist.
Emerging markets Featured HIVEWIRE #01 - Emerging music markets are now diverging Reshaping the Music Industry Landscape | Witness the divergence, cultural diversity, and creative talents shaping the future of music. Join us now!